I made an infection map, and the humans can pickup weapons, but the zombies can't. When a zombie dies a human picks up the sword and it kills the game. How can I get the humans to not pickup swords?
As long as you want the humans to pick up weapons elsewhere, they will always be able to pick up swords. Moved to Halo Reach Forge Discussion.
Give Zombies Plasma Pistols and give them no Weapon Damage and give them slightly more health to make up for less range. This fixes Lunging which makes Connection less of a factor, prevents Humans from picking up Swords, prevents Humans from knowing if a Zombie is around the corner(light emmited by Energy Sword) and makes it easier to make Humans be avle to survive X amount of hits before dying without puzzling around with Human Damage Resistance and Zombie Damage(No Shields would be 1 hit, normal shields 2 hits, overshields 3 hits etc). Hope that fixed your problem.
How bout this, put some weapons in a safe haven, and disable weapon pickup for humans, but when they get to the safe haven, enable weapon pickup.
I've played this before with some HBO guys (some very awesome HBO guys by the way.) It works really well, having safe havens give weapons instead of invincibility promotes movement and overall I think is a more enjoyable experience. Making a map for this specifically would be awesome, usually we just played this on Condemned.
Or you could have it where the zombies start with a plasma pistol, but they need to pickup the energy sword that is set for fixed. That way players can not pick up the sword, but it will float in the air and block your path. So not the best advice in my opinion but it could be worth a shot.
Your acting like the zombies have some sort of an advantage that needs to be lowered Artifact. You could make the humans have a lower melee, but why does picking up swords kill the game? I know you can block sword lunges, but if they even get that close, they won't be able to switch weapons in time to kill them.
Since updates I am sure the weapon can be picked up even thought it floats in mid air. I am unsure if adjusting pummel damage to the spartans may fix the overpowering problem if sword is picked up by spartans. I do like the haven idea, but if a infected player drops a sword in that area it would be picked up. Maybe an adjustment to speed and abilities may help with any balance problems. Or adjusting damage.