Right, so I'm thinking for my next map I'm going to create an invasion cube with 3 or more floors, and I need to figure out how to create a large hollow cube that can hold the map, while wasting as little budget as possible.... Suggestions anyone?
Coliseum walls. /thread Seriously though, unless you're trying to do something fancy with it, I can't imagine a better choice than that. Massive size, small cost per unit.
the problem with the colloseums ,though, is that they aren't very square... Hmmm... I could actually create more smaller floors, and make it a bit of a tower. But still need some more advice. MOAR!
Well you could either overlap the walls to get a square, or just use enough of them that the sides end up being the same length. But if that is a pain to do, just use 5x5 flat blocks. That's the biggest perfectly square piece in the object palette.
... ok, I think Ill try and use the 5x5 blocks, but if it doesn't work out, Ill make a tower or maybe an office building.
while the coliseum walls are not square, you may still use them for square structures. If i remember correctly they are 8units by 12u. so essentially a 2x3 by stacking 2 walls, the direction of length 12, and 3 walls the direction with length 8 you have created a square. That is only 6 walls, and your square is 24x24u. while a 25x25 square using 5x5's would require 25 pieces. Therefore you may make a 24u cube using only 36 wall pieces, but you will find yourself 50 blocks short of a 25u cube. in short, if you want a cube go for the wall.
Thanks for the unit measurements, I couldn't remember them off the top of my head. But yeah, that illustrates the point nicely. If you're truly wanting a GIANT cube, walls are the way to go.
If you are always contained inside it, you only need to think it's a cube from the inside. You could make it out of Colosseum walls and keep the illusion that each piece is square, simply by placing them all relative to the centre of each face. In all honesty though it's a shitty idea for a map.
I lol'd Yes, it pretty much is not a good idea. Orienting oneself with identical grey walls on all sides is too difficult.
That really depends on the interior design though, doesn't it? I mean the outside walls won't help with orientation, but good design of floors and specific points of reference might accomplish that on their own. I guess to play devil's advocate here, when someone says "I want to build a map inside a cube" I have no idea if that's a good idea or a bad one until I know more of what they're actually going to put inside there. (But admittedly, you're starting yourself off at a disadvantage by guaranteeing that zero percent of the map's exterior will help with orientation.)