help make my map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by clip05, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. clip05

    clip05 Ancient
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    hey guys, i recently signed up to forge hub and this is my first post. had a look at these forums before and have seen how you treat people harshly when they dont rise up to the forums standards.

    so what i am saying is please dont judge me by this one post. i am a person who is has been a really big fan of the halo series and is hoping to go on and study how to be a games developer. i have great ideas for games and many for maps. most of the time i just dont how to make them.

    following the reveal of sandbox i came up with a brilliant map idea which would play brilliantly within this map. the only problem is im not a great forge user, this is why i am posting this to you guys, i need someone who is good with forge to make this map:

    Basically, it takes place in sandbox within the skybubble. theres two ships parralel to each other, so close so that you can comfortably make a man cannon boost to the other ship. when i say ships i mean pirate ships, and each one has to closely replicate the real things. they both have to be identical and include: a prison room with cannon holes ideal for safe spawns, a teleporter at the end of each ship (ill explain this later), a deck with plenty of space, two masts, and a room for the captain of the ship.

    now, about the teleporter. each ship has a teleporter at each end of the hull which takes players to the crypt in the map. I have not fully decided what will be within the crypt but something along the lines of a maze/castle would be nice. Also because of the object limit and the idea behind the map, the area within the crypt would have to be enclosed so that there is no access to excessive empty space.

    A bomb will be hidden within this part of the map for assault. Both teams have to find it and take it to the enemies ship where they have to plant it on the deck. With the addition of a couple of fusion coils on each ship, this would create epic fire fights and last second saves.

    I have not yet thought to much about weapon placement but I have decided that the energy sword has to be included and most human projectile weaponry. I hope that you like my idea at forge hub and I would be able to help but I definitely need a confident and capable forger to help. Also in the description you can mention the gamertags of who created the map and who thought up the idea.

  2. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    *moved to Halo Forge Discussion*
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This actually sounds like a good idea, but with the items provided, the ship will probably lack detail. It's make a good map, but you're probably a better forger than me so I can't really help.
  4. clip05

    clip05 Ancient
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    thanks m8, and your probably a better forger than me. maybe i can do this map but the one thing that makes me think i cant do it is the replication of the ships. its going to be hard making them look good.
  5. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
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    I would help... but sadly do not have sandbox =( how do SO many people already have it??!!?!?!?!!?
  6. Chris Dude70

    Chris Dude70 Ancient
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    That sounds like a really good idea. If i had any real skill in forging i would do it lol.

    By my estimation... Theres about 5000 people max with Mythic... For a better idea go check how many people are on the mythic matchmaking servers.
  7. clip05

    clip05 Ancient
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    i dont have the mythic map pack yet either, but thanks chris for the comment.
  8. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i will help when i get the maps. it sounds like a cool idea if done right. not sure about the crypt thing though....

    this would work great for asymetrical:
    maybe to get the bomb, there is like a wrecked ship perpendicular to the base ship. you have to grab the bomb and place it on the wrecked ship. it explodes and sets off instantly respawning fusion coils and stuff to keep you off. then, a bomb spawns on attacker ship, and the have to activate a switch that drops a bridge to the enemy ship(and then have more gravity so they have to use one of 3-4 bridges). the bomb carrier then runs across, aided by his fellow pirates, and must plant 2 bombs, 1 in the front 1 in the back. they go off and they win!

    for symmetrical, you could have 2 medium sized ships as the bases, then have 1 larger ship in the middle. each base must use switches to lower bridges onto the middleship. they then fight thier way down to the bottom of the ship, and grab a bomb. they bring the bomb back up and put it on the enemy ship. this would be really cool to do, because all the combat isnt only on 2 ships, theres another one
  9. clip05

    clip05 Ancient
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    good idea. one of my recent ideas for the map was to have the prison room filled with fusion coils and have a window with a man cannon so you can roll fusion coils onto it and over to the other side.
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    yah thatd be really cool

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