This is a really good remake and you can instantly tell that this is helms deep from LOTR, even the small details like the battlements are included, i like itt =) DL for sure
to me this is the peek of forgeing: great interlocking, great desine, and it looks good gameplay wise. I`ll download soon.
I downloaded your map and it was great. shame there isn't more money on foundry though. I took it upon myself to tweak the map so it would be more suitable for infection. I deleted and added and modified, so if you want to check it out, pm me and i'll give you my gamertag so u can see it. great job for what it is! 4.9/5
this is by far the best castle map i have ever seen (by the pictures that is) definite DL, though i might add somethings, never know.
i dl'ed this map it rocks its the best helms deep map ive ever seen! i edited it a little on forge and made it so the bad guys had to push a fusion coil to blow up the door i think it's better, i also made it more playable
i have actually played on this map before. it is interlocked very clean and i like the whole concept. i agree with some people on here that the gate should open from the inside though. that would add a new sense of defense and really bring out the whole helms deep umm...whats a good word? attitude.
This looks very pretty, i haven't seen a helms deep map since wayyy back when. My first map was a LOTR map The only thing that would make it better is raise the main wall a little bit, probably just half a box high is all it needs, to give it a more epic feel. Other than that minor detail, as an aesthetic map, this is great.
Judging from the sceenshots,this looks like a really well put together map,interior structure looks good as well as the outside walls and ramp.
The attackers don't seem to have much cover, but it looks alright. Shame about the crane being in the way in the base. Good job. I wish I could say it looks like the LOTR castle, but I haven't seen the films. Go on, punch me in the head for not watching LOTR.
Wow. I was intrigued as soon as I saw this map here; I downloaded it, and I have to say I'm beyond impressed. While not entirely accurate to Helm's Deep stylistically, in execution through the limitations of Forge it is a wonder. Great work. The interior is awesome; it's simply perfect. It's one of the first maps where I was able to walk around and perfectly understand the layout of quickly, yet it was very complex and extensive. Superb forging. The only, only comment I could add would be to provide someone incoming with cover. Geomerge some boxes at weird angles, add some crates, maybe a horizontally standing bridge, just something that would make the rest of the map less barren. Personally, I had a sweet idea about incorporating geographic elevation into the rest of the map, but I'll leave that thought to myself. Congrats. Wonderful map.
Looks amazing! This map was well thought out. This map gave me some great ideas for my castle map, that will probably be out in a couple weeks or so. The interlocking was great! I look forward to seeing more maps from you.
This map is awesome, i downloaded it from a while ago and when i found it on here i looked at the screenshots and realised there are areas ive never even been in. for example that room with the barriers. This is the best helms deep map ive played, well worthy of download!
[SIZE=+2]V3 is here![/SIZE] Change log: *Gametype, The Attack, now supported. *Operable gate added to interior, activated by destroying the grav lift in the great hall. *Created automatic ballistas and wire spools (which act as both ladders and cover). *Created a ladder that spawns against the keep after two minutes. *Improved the main gate with pallets. *Polished the interior. *Fixed map exploits.
Looks nice 5/5! Nice use of merging. The operable gate is a switch right? i love maps with switches n.n . you took lots of pictures, nice job
The gate is closed by destroying a grav lift in the great hall, which causes another to spawn behind two dumpsters, pushing them across the entrance to the hall.
Great map man, I downloaded it and was quickly amazed by all the stuff. I only have one question/problem. When me and my buddies went to play we found the vip could just seal himself in the great hall and nobody could get him. Is there anything I am missing to reopen the door?