Helm's Deep

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by porkstein, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    [SIZE=+2]V3 is here![/SIZE]

    Change log:

    *Gametype, The Attack, now supported.
    *Operable gate added to interior, activated by destroying the grav lift in the great hall.
    *Created automatic ballistas and wire spools (which act as both ladders and cover).
    *Created a ladder that spawns against the keep after two minutes.
    *Improved the main gate with pallets.
    *Polished the interior.
    *Fixed map exploits.

    A recreation of the iconic fortress from The Lord of the Rings on Foundry, featuring a destructable deeping wall, activated simply by slicing (or an alternative method of suicide) the fusion coils behind the pallets located at the center of the deeping wall. As the saying goes, a picture says a thousand words, so let's get straight to the screenshots.

    An overview of the fortress.
    An overview of the keep.
    An overview of the deeping wall.[​IMG]
    A view of the outer keep from the walkway.
    A view of the outer keep from the gate.[​IMG]
    A view of the deeping wall from the outer battlements.[​IMG]
    The gatehouse and outer battlements.[​IMG]
    The rear entrance to the keep.
    The deeping wall being destroyed.[​IMG]
    A view of the inner keep.
    A view of the inner chamber.
    A view of the great hall.
    A view of the ladder.
    A view of the operable gate.

    Brief gametype description:
    *One sided VIP.
    *4 minute round time limit.
    *Weapon pickup disabled.
    *No shield recharge.
    *No motion sensor.
    *150% gravity.
    *Infinite respawns.

    *150% health.

    *Battle rifles and swords.
    *100% health.

    *200% health.

    [SIZE=+3]Download Helm's Deep V3
    Download Gametype
    [/SIZE](Note: please rate if you download).
    #1 porkstein, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
    monkeyrantz likes this.

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    love the map very good at interlocked on Q does the crate below the a sign open by a switch or no ?? good use and another Qhave you ever played the purple moster game mini it would be cool for like territores on this map but make them 50%faster and they cant die love the map so dl on friday and play 5/5

    to day i could give you a game type if you want??
  3. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Thanks a lot! I didn't make a gametype to go with it because I wanted to give the humans one life and the uruk-hai infinite; sadly, the custom gametype settings aren't specific enough to do so, and you can only set the number of lives for both teams, not each team individually. As such, I would be grateful for a gametype to go with it.

    Oh, and the crate that forms the gate is meant to be hacked at with a sword, so that it takes a little while for the uruk-hai to force their way through into the keep. The humans don't have a very good view of the spot directly in front of the gate, so it shouldn't be too harsh on the attackers.
    #3 porkstein, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
    Obibital likes this.
  4. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Very nice! never before have i seen a helms deep map with this much detail and quality. the explosive wall, the main walls, the archer area, its all here! there wenrnt many pictures for the inside of helms deep though. if you would make a V2 that would be a cool thing to add. the mp looks well laid out, fantastic to play, and very interesting to blow the crap out of that wall! 4.5-5 good job.
    JASONYO and De Wy El Ay En like this.
  5. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    great map, attackers should have cover such as barriers or broken down objects or geomerged boxes, i dont know. also an inside of the fortress would be delicious. might i suggest a v2? i wont download, but maybe a less bleak version of it would be insane. this map is great and rreally nice looking and great idea. it has great potential.
    JASONYO likes this.
  6. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Thanks again guys. There isn't much room inside the keep, but I will try to imrove the interior. Any suggestions for this improvement would be greatly appreciated (though I do ask you take a look at the map first, as it is difficult to suggest something feasible without knowing the limits of space).
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  7. Tsiwt

    Tsiwt Ancient
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    Hey great map ill come back once its downloaded to my 360 to try and give you tips
    but for now love the map 4/5 ill be waiting for a v2!
    Sorry it took so long had problems wiv my xbox,
    ok heres some of the problems but your map isnt that bad anyway:

    shouldve made wall higher
    put some cover for attackers
    just add barrels and stuff to bak room
    add weapons(yes i knows its a asthetic map but u never know)
    add spawns(starters)
    theres a part in the keep with A signs where u can just jump out
    bridge merging a bit sloppy

    but still i hav to giv u a 5/5! good job
    #7 Tsiwt, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  8. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    right on, i will give it a look then. its on my download queue and i will check it out.
    Obibital likes this.
  9. RadioActiveBeaver

    Senior Member

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    Wow good job!
    It looks very accurate alothough how to attacker destory the wall if it opens from the inside?
    It might me being think.. Sorry :(

    De Wy El Ay En and Obibital like this.
  10. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    The attackers have to destroy the pallets covering the fusion coils, and then destroy the fusion coils themselves, in order to create a gap in the wall. Don't worry, it's probably not very clear from the images.
  11. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    nice map this is definatley the best helms deep map ive seen you did a very nice job on the keep and you could just make an infection gametype where as the infected are the uruk hia and the humans are well the humans
  12. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    This is so sexy. I say that it's the best Helm's Deep map ever AESTHETICALLY, but the original Helm's Deep MAP was better gameplay-wise. this is still SO AWESOME. Interlocking=beautiful. Structures=beautiful. Map=beautiful. Me=super cereal and not to mention secksie. Anyway, 5/5.
  13. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    you know that in a territories gametype, you can adjust the settings for both defenders and attackers, so you should be able to get something out of that, It's nicely made and the gameplay looks good, great job.
  14. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    with a little clean up and some extra astetics, this could be great
    more true to the movie than the otherone, but not as good looking
    make a catapult and some caverns inside the base
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I wold love to play this map on infection and the zombies are the beasts or whatever on the movie lol.

    Good Job on the map The interlocking is pretty good to also the layout of the castle is very nice
  16. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Awesome work! Very nice detail and interlocking. It's the second best I've seen (first was just unbelievably awesome), and doesn't seem like much could be improved. Awesome job! 5/5!
  17. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    you should put an armory and a final hold off room for infection stuff like that 4/5 on the map though
  18. Jigsaw107

    Jigsaw107 Ancient
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    ive played many of these maps. Its pretty good. Q. how much firepower and siege equipment will the attackers have?
  19. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Thanks again everyone for the support.

    @ Duckman: You're probably right; infection is the best option. The problem with infection is that there is little teamwork, and I'm worried that people will just camp at the back of the keep rather than spread themselves over the fortress in order to keep each other alive.

    @ The Persistor: I haven't tried Territories, but you cannot adjust the respawn settings for both teams individually in VIP or Assault, which is why I decided to leave the gametype for now. I'll just check if Territories is different.

    @ Jigsaw: I was thinking of giving the attackers swords only, but a lot of health so that they can survive the oncoming wave of pistol fire from the humans. I wanted to stay true to the movie however; I didn't want to give them gravity hammers, for example.
    #19 porkstein, Oct 8, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  20. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    V2 is here!

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