i remade The fortress of Helms Deep take a look if u want Map link Gamtype -Slayer Description: Helms Deep is a fictional fortress from Lord of the Rings. There is a ramp leading up to the gate of Helms Deep which u can breach by using the balistas provided. The main defence wall is the long wall to the left of the castle called the Deeping wall. Behind the Deeping wall there is a outer wall that links to the top of the gate, and from on top of the gate you can get on top f the inner wall. The attackers main objective is to breach the gate, to gain access to the city streets from there they can get to the top of the Deeping wall and then to the inner wall, thus taking over the castle
You need to read this before you post. Especially since you didn't even include a link to the actual map.
Good, your one step closer to completing this post. The last thing you need to do is please, embed your screenshots. This looks good though, the layout is pretty unorginal however, I've seen similar designs. But you did well on the concept.
Cool, looks good. I'm a huge LOTR fan myself, and I can totally respect you wanting to do this. What would be super cool and could be something that would totally set this apart from other castle maps is make one of the walls breachable like you did with the main gate. Maybe use crates instead of boxes for part of it. It would reflect more of the Helm's Deep feel and add another level of play for Team Slayer. Feel free to ignore my suggestion; I'm not ragging on your map, just talking one LOTR fan to another.
yeah i was gonna do tat but V2 didnt really get noticed so i didnt really think about it after tat... u think i should do tat?
Yeah, give it a shot. And instead of the mancannons, maybe put some portable grav lifts around for the Orcs to use as ladders. They never really used trebuchets on the attack of Helm's Deep, just giant crossbows for their ladders. I apologize if I'm speaking out of turn; I'm at work and haven't even played your map. They are just fan-boy suggestions based on seeing your pictures and shouldn't be taken as criticism against what you've done.
no prob i accept constructive critisism but i think there r portable grav lifts at the uruk supplies, or i might be thinkin of my minas tirith map...
You should make a gametype to go along with it as well. I would also maybe just have one mancannon and several portable grav lifts.
yeah like i said ill probably delete the current V2 and bring out a second one except with fewer mancannons and a destructable wall
Not entirely true. I have one half-completed right now, inspired by all the Helm's Deep WC3 maps. That being said, you put yours out first. But ultimately, it's half a map without much thought put into gameplay. Basically, a Wall where one team can climb up easily and the other team can't. Which overall isn't very impressive, since it makes it another D-day style map without anything other than map name to set it in the magical lands of Middle Earth.
true but.... yeah i suppose ur right but the general layout is the same a helms deep which is all i really wanted, was for people to relive the battle of helms deep, although i admit i completely forgot about the exploding wall until it was too late and when i first released the map people said it was like nothing they had seen before and tat i was one of the first to do it, and then afterwards lots of people stared to release lord of the rings maps
See, there's the problem. You have to build the map around the exploding wall. I'm actually making 2 versions, a Last Resort and a Foundry version. I'm making the exploding part out of pallettes and then spawning fusion coilds insid epartway through the match.
OMG What a waste of time...where are the glittering caves to retreat into?? where is the culvert for the stream to be let out and BTW Helm's Dike (the wall for NOOBS) should be much taller, and have ladders to climb up (if you cant create ladders then go home) -jk cool idea...and i looked most of that up on wikipedia (though i did just spend 2 days looking over a cool atlas of middle earth)
dude its nice but it seems kind of the same as your minas tirth one... however im interested in the mancannons with the fencewalls on them.... how exactly do those catapaults work? and couldn't you just use one to get inside?
If you spent THAT much time on Wikipedia, Halo 3 is obviously your first map editor. Helm's Deep was big in Warcraft 3. Some DID have a nice cavern behind but it was pointless.
The one thing that i see wrong with all of these maps is lack of dicipline. The map is fair. with alot of lord of the rings detail