Helms Deep 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by nmumper, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. nmumper

    nmumper Forerunner

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    Hey guys, I have This is the 2.0 version of my Helms Deep Invasion map. It has a lot of major changes from 1.1. I may still have some tweaking to do, with regard to amount of players and the objects on the map. This is very close to what I think will be my finished product, although others will ALWAYS have their own version how they think this should look and play out. I still would like feedback from people who play it, to make it better in any way possible. Anyways, thanks again gents, and enjoy.

    Bungie.net : Reach : Player File Share CutoverSpy

    This Is Not A Double Post


    -Elite Spawn Points are spaced and fair.
    -Rocks added for Elites
    -Triggers for completing phase 1 and phase 2.
    -Sewer gates disappear, castle gates disappear, grav lifts appear, man cannon appears, and wall disappears in throne room.
    -Elite's bunkers were moved in correlation to spawns.
    -Some unnoticeable rocks moved or deleted.
    -More initial spawn points added.
    -Core carriers jump height reduced to 0%.
    -Time for all phases are 5 min.
    -Weapons on load-outs are now only: assault rifle, magnum, shotgun and sword. (To their respectable sides)


    Mainly a 6-16 game. The Blue team should try to have a few more guys than the Red team every round.


    Phase 1: Bomb the sewers to clear the way for the castle invasion / or Bomb the main gate and begin on the first floor of the castle.



    Phase 2: Make your way up to the castle platform and hold off any remaining attempts to stop you from capturing it.


    Phase 3: Find the portal that takes you to the core room, and try to bring it out of the castle while players imitate Gandalf come to stop you.





    Any Questions/Comments? Message me all day at: CutoverSpy

    Added after 9 Days 14 Hours:

    My post drowned a lonely death.
    #1 nmumper, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010

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