Hells Highway X

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Spadanator, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Spadanator

    Spadanator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hells Highway X
    (The X is the version)

    I started to make this map long ago when the Heroic maps had just been released for DLC. I had been looking through my maps looking for stuff to delete, and I saw this map. I played it a few times to see if it was worth keeping , and it was. I just went through it and got rid of some of the things that where not needed, and adjusted the settings till they were perfect.

    Hells Highway is intended for pure zombie slaughtering! So if your a zombie RUN FOR COVER!!! For the zombies the only way to overtake the human base is to make it through Hells Highway, and humans YOU BETTER GET YOUR ..... to the armory and stock up on weapons, oh ad don't forget to grab your shotgun!

    Assault Rifle x2
    Battle Rifle x8
    Shotgun x7
    Sniper Rifle x8
    SMG x5
    Needler x1
    Rocket Launcher x5
    Beam Rifle
    Machine Gun Turret x4
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x4
    Spike Grenade x4
    Fire Bomb Grenade x4
    Trip Mine x3

    Game Settings
    Alpha Zombie & Zombies
    Damage Resistance - Normal
    Shields - None
    Damage Modifier - 110%
    Primary Weapon - Energy Sword
    Movement - 150%
    Player Gravity - 75%
    Forced Color -
    Alpha Zombie - Purple
    Zombie - White
    Alpha Zombie - Poor Camo
    Next Zombie - CHUMP
    General Settings
    Primary Weapon - Battle Rifle
    Number of rounds - 3
    Time limit - 15min
    Last Man Traits
    Damage Resistance - 110%
    Shield Multiplier - Normal
    Shield Recharge rate - 200% (Faster)
    Shield Vampirism - 25% Leech
    Forced Color - PINK

    From the back of the zombie spawn

    The entrance to Hells Highway, from the zombie's side

    Hells Highway, from the human's side

    Zombie's overtaking Hells Highway

    The human's side, to the right is an armory, and the human's entrance to Hells Highway

    Human back spawn area, and last stand base

    Direct view of the last stand base

    From the back of the human base

    The lookout from zombie side

    Inside the lookout

    Me and TJ in a safe room

    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details <

    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details <

    #1 Spadanator, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ...what? is this just one map?
    im really confused
  3. Spadanator

    Spadanator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yup it's all one map!
    Sorry if your confused...
    #3 Spadanator, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  4. Dantheburger

    Dantheburger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks sound. The traits you set in the gametype make sure the Zombies have a decent chance, but keeps the Game fun for the humans. Many people would look at this and think that it is an "old school" infection map, from before people started realising that infinitely getting spawncamped as the zombie is not fun, but after playing it (albeit not my download, but at a friends house.), there was clearly some thought put in. In terms of aesthetics, the map looks well thought out, and, while there is very little revolutionary/new interlocking, and I'm not sure of any interlocking at all, the Map is straight and well forged.
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Aesthetics: 6/10
    Forging: 6/10
    Total: 6.5/10
    To improve on it, consider releasing a V2 with less power weapons in the armory (1 rocket launcher, 2 Snipers etc.) and also consider making the "safe room" have more than one entrance and stopping the humans from being able to shoot nto the zombies spawn/area. Finally look at Forge 101 and think about interlocking some of the structures to make more smooth. It's not TOTALLY neccessary but People will automatically think better of it, just because you put in the effort.
  5. Spadanator

    Spadanator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind

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