Sandbox Hell's Gateway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Snipez, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    I'm pretty new to forging so don't be too harsh but constructive criticism is welcome. I made a few maps within a couple of weeks and then I decided to post them here so theres gunna be a few more posts from me rather soon.

    Okay, onto the map. This map is a remake i've made of a modded map I saw called Heaven vs. Hell and I really liked the hell part so I remade it without modding. It's basically a staircase leading to a 'portal' the portal doesn't go anywhere though because i didn't know where to lead it from there really. You go up the staircase while explosions and fire are all around you, so it's really just for decoration.

    This is one of my first maps so please give me constructive criticism and tell me if i've posted this in the wrong section or something.

    YouTube - Forge Creations :: Hells Gateway :: Sandbox


    #1 Snipez, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Take out the embedded code for the video and just put the URL. Also upload some pictures from photobucket, or similar place.
  3. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    the link to your map isn't working, so you'll need to fix that
  4. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok, theres a link up now, but can somebody tell me the bbcode so it can just say "map download" but be a link as well?
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    You should honestly make it somehow so that you can go through the portal, have you tried using teleporters yet? That would be so cool. You map is also great as an aesthetic piece, it really looks like hell would look like it.

    Since no one else has mentioned it... I guess I will. You need at least 1 embedded screenshot, videos do not count even though yours is only pics. To learn how to get pics up, see here.

    Or for another easier method, go to Type in your GT, and you will get your most recent pics so long as you have taken them online. From there, you can just copy the BB code and paste here.

    You have 21 hours now to fix this.
    #5 Rifte, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  6. leadh34d

    leadh34d Ancient
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    I agree with rifte. It has the rock and lava look and you should be able to teleport through the gate or respawn anywhere else. The staircase is also really neat and I like the explosions.
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map is impressive for aesthetic purposes. Maybe machinima makers would holler at you if they are interested. But, of course, this being an aesthetic map, I won't download because it's not meant for gameplay. I prefer gameplay maps over aesthetic maps. The stairs are uneven, I guess that serves a purpose. Overall, a good aesthetics map with a ton of red...and hell.
  8. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    Wow, I didn't think i'd get such good feedback for a firs map. I know what you mean when you say the portal should lead somewhere and I want it to as well but I have no clue where the portal should lead to. Any ideas?
  9. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Even though it may not look like it, it would probably be great for a King of the Hill game at the very top! Or maybe have the teleporters lead to somewhere in the skybubble, like "Heaven".
  10. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    I actually did have an idea for heaven, but I didn't have any ideas for it. I'll try though.
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    It looks pretty good from what I can tell.

    And a video is good, but if it's only a slideshow, you might as well just post screenshots. The images will be bigger, better quality, and it'll be easier for people to view your work.
  12. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
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    I could see this being a great machinima map and a great screenshot map, nice job
  13. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
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    Haha, conflict fail! Sorry about that.

    So, I love this map. The forging and interlocking is very nice and the portal is insane! I would like it to work though, as others have already said. And for Heaven, try a long, tall hall with a curved roof. Then add a large throne and a cross above that. To top it off, put in the blue lights! There you go! I hope to see a V2 with Heaven and message me on LIVE so I can play it. My GT isn't linked.
  14. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    Ok, i'm making an 'addon' to this map, im using the hell part but adding a heaven in the skybubble.
  15. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Awesome, thanks for taking my advice. I want to play this map because I like maps that can look awesome and still be playable. Oh, and take your time with Heaven, don't rush it xD.
  16. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    I just got back from a holiday in Turkey so i'm going to finish the V2, i'm not going to give anything away as I won't it to be a suprise but what I will say is i've taken peoples advice and i'm adding what you've told me to add. So far it's going well and I just hope it ends well.
  17. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    this looks really cool and i can see some cool infection games being made around this idea. the whole feel of it reminds me of my sisters roo..... i mean hell and the red lights are awesome in the portal great forging 5/5
  18. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    this map looks really good from the pics but i think it would be cool if you put teleporters in the gate to teleport you into the cypt and im sure you can think of something from there maybe giant bats and pits of lava and the devils thrown with a flamethrower on it and zombie kittens of course.
  19. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just a litle idea do a slayer map and call him Heaven VS Hell and do one side hell and the other heaven ! but for youre map its so cool the stairs and the explosion on ach side !

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