Hey, my name is Alex. I recently found this website and it got me back into Forging and Halo 3 all together! I quite halo and forge when Modern Warfare 2 came out, but i am wanting to get back into it. I'm looking for more friends especially from this great website :] for all of you seem to really like halo and forge. I want friends that will play custom games like infection or just mess around in forge. A year ago when i used to forge a lot i enjoyed it very much, so i will be making maps again :] and any help would be great! My gamer tag is Teh Alex30, and I'm a 17 year old male not an immature little kid.. but if you are younger than me still feel free to send me a friend request :] (yes i mean Teh..not The) Thanks in advanced, Alex
Oh hai! Welcome to ForgeHub! Of course, make sure to check out the rules and such...hope to see you around!