Well, HI!! My maps always seem to get overshadowed on bungie.net by all the people bumping their own and people replying to treads everyone has seen before. Im here because i thought, hey, its time to venture into the big bad world of ForgeHub.
Welcome! You'll be happy to find out (if you haven't already) the we're nothing like the Bungie forums and people around here routinely make fun of them! I think its more correct to say you ventured into the small safe world of Forge Hun (jk).
Welcome to Forge Hub I hope you like it here I would love to see you continuing to contribute to the community good luck in the future.
Welcome to ForgeHub. You have actually arrived at the small safe world of ForgeHub and it's not a joke. Be [very] happy that there is no bumping at ForgeHub. Be sure to check out Forging 101 for tips and tricks on how to improve your maps (if you haven't already done so). See you around!