Hey. I'm Rob. My gamertag is TheRobTrain for a couple reasons: 1) It was my nickname in baseball a couple years back and 2) Everything else I could think of without numbers was taken... Well, I joined Forge Hub mainly because of the awesome quality and originality of the maps that were coming out of here. I found it by accident when I was looking for halo tips and tricks websites about a month ago. However, I didn't become a member until a couple days ago. Upon further venturing into the forums, I found that the people here seem pretty polite and intelligent. Unlike many, many other forums. I enjoy playing sports, a lot. I play basketball, baseball, and football. I also like to hike, jog, bike, listen to music (all genres), hang with my friends, and play video games in my downtime. I have a Wii and an Xbox 360. I'm 14 years old, and I live in Central Pennsylvania. [sarcasm]Where lots of fun and excitement can be found.[/sarcasm] I am tall, intelligent (compared to my classmates), athletic, and very laid back. I am also a chronic procrastinator. Well that's me I guess. I'm sure I forgot a lot of things, but you get the gist of it. This community looks very promising, and I hope to be a part of it. Based on Kagemusha's Five Step Program
Hey, Rob, welcome to ForgeHub! Nice intro you have there. Before you go out posting, I might recommend you resize/change your signature; the maximum size is 500x200 pixels, and thats 100 pixels too high :O. Well, have fun
Thanks a lot guys! And I'll get on that sig resize thing. EDIT: Sig resized. I'm still mad that I didn't realize it was too big.
No problem now I see =) It's guite a nice sig in my opinion. Your intro was a much smoother read than a lot of the recent introductions and it's nice to see a member actually reading guidelines before they post. Great job man, I'm looking foward to some of your posts.
quoted for epic truth.anywho...welcome to forgehub,I'm not gonna tell you to read the rules since you already have,so you already have a friend in me.
You seem like a cool guy. Post around, man, and get to know some people. Most of the guys over here are okay.
Most of the people are polite, fewer are intelligent. Lol thats a joke. Did you make that sig yourself? I made one using the same render a while back.
Ooo you are also from the most funnest place in the universe? From what town/city/county/ w.e do you hail? I come from the land of New Cumberland.
Yes I did make that sig myself. I used to mess around with GIMP a lot on another forum I was a part of. That's by Harrisburg isn't it? And I'm from Clearfield County. And don't let the name fool yah. We don't just have clear fields. We have ... uh trees and rocks too.