Introduction Hello

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Godsend024, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. Godsend024

    Godsend024 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I've now taken the time to formally introduce myself.
    Oh haiiiiiii lololololololl,
    Formal introduction done.
    Well, I'm not the best forger in the world, but I do enjoy it, I've made several maps, however the gametype for one of them is really screwed and the other has spawn and power weapon issues, but I in the process of fixing them,
    I'm also making a Halo mod for another game
    It has sexy ships in such as the FFG Frigate Guided Missile Frigate, Basicly the Forward unto Dawn, and the CL "Halcyon" class Light Cruiser, aswel as lots of other Halo designs,
    With some pretty kool original ships done by yours truly,
    I'll go post some of my works in the Art gallery section in a bit,
    and I've checked the rules, and I don't seem to be breaking any with kind of advertising, if I've missed a rule stating otherwise, please tell me and I'll edit that bit out :D.
    Well cya around guys :)
    #1 Godsend024, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  2. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Okay here's me telling you then.

    1. Mod talk and links to such material are not allowed here.
    2. Advertising other sites is not allowed here.
    3. Your sig is ****ing piss weak.

    Those stupid ****ing automated things you can find infecting forums look as ugly as a fat mules ass. Seriously, what were you thinking when you put that on your sig.

    You're at a place that makes custom maps for Halo, to play custom games, where you ranking and skill is null and void. For fun games where any form of 'ass whoping' isn't really cared about, for it is not about who wins, but how much fun you have.

    So having a sig that advertising your Halo3 stats is completely pointless here and to be honest just makes you look llike a moron that doesn't know anythign about ForgeHub. Sure you're new so I can give you that. But even before I registered I knew that any kind of ranking or skill level is pretty much completely pointless here.

    And for that, and that alone, I do not like you already. You have miss judged ForgeHub itself and in doing so have made me think of you as a complete moron.

    Oh and let's not start with how well your post was constructed, I can't wait to see your pathetic spam posts in General Chat and the Maps section. Great, another one.

    I'm just getting ready to use the report button.
    Oh yes, you can report this post, but seriously anyone that does read this should understand that all of this is true and if you can handle this attack then you should do well here.

    Oh and one last thing.

    Hello, and welcome to ForgeHub. I hope I have not deterred you from sticking around because deep down this place is a friendly fun place to be.

    #2 Reynbow, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
    Blaze likes this.
  3. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Congratulations Reynbow, for a gold medal at the 2008 asshole olympics.

    Lololol <3
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, dont take everything Reynbow said too literally. He can go a bit over the top sometimes.
    I do agree a little with what he said, the stats dont do anything for you. No one thinks any differently of you for them here. I do hope you stick around, because forgehub is a wonderful website filled with many great members.

    Welcome to forgehub, it says you've been a member since February, and you introduce yourself in August, rude. Lol.
  5. Godsend024

    Godsend024 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha I wont, I just like the sig to be honest with you,
    I shall stick around don't worry.
    And I know it's rather rude, but internet problems and all that rubbish :D
  6. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Pshh way to be mellow...
    Oh well, I guess you passed the first test.​

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