I've been here for a few months but just wanted to swing by this forum and introduce myself anyway: Hi my name is Eli and I am 10 years old (everybody drops their jaw in disbelief) and yes, it is true I'm 10 years old. I also forge a lot and shoot basketball with my dad. I am very nice once you get to know me and I live in Cherokee County in Georgia. I also love action and comedy movies, my favorite one right now is Get Smart. My favorite video games right now are Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots and Halo 3. And if you want to know more there is an entry in my blog that has more info. Thanks!
welcome to forgehub.. just make sure when you go to post, read the rule carefully and make sure you follow them to an exact so no1 complains. :-D if you have any questions just go ahead and ask me ill do my best to answer you and ifi cant ill direct you toward some1 who can.
why hello there good sir, and how are you doing this fine afternoon? and if your 10 years old that means that your like the youngest member of forgehub that ive seen yet. but anyway welcome and enjoy your stay at forgehub.
hi there i cant say much thats hasnt already been said, well done guys age isn't a barrier here at forgehub as long as you treat everyone and thier posts with respect, i you want some quick fame i would advise make allot of really good map quickly cough *blaze* cough, talk to people afterall its a comunity, im sure you will enjoy your stay