
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Nyran, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. Nyran

    Nyran ODST

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    Hello everyone, hope you are all coping well and staying motivated during these tough times.
    My name is Nyran, i've been a fan of Halo pretty much my whole life and although I used to be well into forge in Halo 3 and even early on in Reach, I sadly lost interest with not only the newer Halo releases but videogames in general during Halo 4/Guardians era. Recently though, I regained a passion for game design and despite not being able to enjoy Infinite in it's current state, i'm still looking forward to creating some exciting stuff for it in the future. In the meantime though i've been working on a 1v1 map for H2A which I hope to share with you soon.
    Thanks, see you again shortly!
    lowangle whole 720.jpeg
    Shawn4Japan likes this.
  2. mwhc29

    mwhc29 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Nice to meet you Nyran! Forge on!!! I love 1v1 maps.

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