I decided I better open up a thread and say hi to everyone. I am not new per-say. I joined back in November, when I found your site, and was going to submit my map for testing to enter into the contest! Well, I became fed up with Reach and left for awhile and now I am back to forging again! So there is my prolonged adventure. I hope to test and see a lot of awesome maps, and just submitted my first map! Thanks for having me! Availablemoth
Hi! Welcome back I suppose, and I hope you find the awesome maps you were hoping to find! If You want to test such creations, you may want to look into the Testers Guild, and if it's already finished and polished maps you want, take a look over at the Featured Maps. You did say you weren't new per say, so I hope this isn't too basic...either way, I hope you enjoy your time here at Forge Hub!