Hello just stopping by the Introductions section and leaving an introduction of myself. After checking out the Reach Forge and noticing the massive emphasis on it being more of a map editing tool than a physics playground, I was like hey, I bet there are some forge communities around the internet, might as well be apart of one. And so I found Forge Hub.
Welcome Android . Hope you enjoy your stay here with us ^^. By the way, loving the avatar, Serj ftw <3.
Your avatar has an amazing beard. Welcome to forgehub. If you plan on creating any maps, the tester's guild will test them and post feedback for you. You can find it in the trc forum.
Is that avatar you? If so, +rep for the beard. It's in a spoiler for a reason... Spoiler Fix'd for teh lolz Anyway, I hope you can put out some awesome forge productions or if you don't you can take part in customs games with many of our friendly members on forged maps.