I work for what I believe is the best heating and air conditioning company in Buffalo, New York. We do it all - service, repair, new installations of furnaces and air conditioners. Tons of cool stuff at our blog - including some videos that are kinda cool. Check it out: Buffalo NY heating air conditioning contractor
This is the coolest thread i've seen posted in a long time! Haha! Sorry buddy, i think you've come to the wrong type of forum. Needs more interlocking. Reported (with a smile).
Very nicely forged. The bases could use some more interlocks, but I like the large centerpiece. Sorry, but this is in the wrong forum. I don't even think it should be on this website, considering this is a mostly teen website. So to your fantastic offer, thanks but no.
Mods, please ban this guy. He is obviously an advertiser and nothing but that. I cannot stand people who have to spam their stuff on other websites to make money. If you have to resort to advertising here, whatever you're selling most likely sucks.
reported. and if you actually aren't just an ad n00b, then it needs more pics or it'll be locked in about 24 hours.
STOP POSTING. Guys just because this is a spam post doesn't mean that you guys can spam up this post. You guys are spamming just as much as he is.