Hello there forgehub peoples. I've visited this site several times in the past to give me forge advice and finally thought, im gonna make an account here. I've been playing halo since prettymuch before halo 2 came out, so ive got experience. Im not that bad at forge either. I've already gone through all the rules and hope to have a superb time here at forgehub and find some cool people.
Welcome to ForgeHub Its great that you've found useful advice here, and I hope you go on to being successful at whatever you plan to do here. And yes he read the rules so need to post that.
Whats up? firefox basically told you what you need to now, FH is pretty easy to navigate, hope to see you around
i just have one question, isnt there a chat box or something here somewhere? i thought it was on main forum page but dont see it. i am on a windows 2000 currently so that might be the problem?
there is one it should be above the forums list board thing. Otherwise in the main forum page. im currently infracted so i cant view it. I dont think your computer has anything to do with it. You should ask a colored member.