So yeah I'm new to Forge Hub, I guess I was suppose to introduce myself here instead of the blog cuz that is what I kept getting told... So uh yeah, hi people. I am a Forger of Reach and usually construct symmetrical maps. My XBL Gamertag is (Revolver13X) or my old one (MACH0 MuFFiN). I have posted two of maps already so yeah and that's all I have to say and I hope to have a lot of fun here on Forge Hub. Also Potatoes are Amazing! Go here to check out my First Map, Relic Go here to check out my Second Map, Temple Thank you AceOfSpades for giving me the link to the Intro Thread
D: I gave you the link to the intro forum first!!! :'( *Stevo cries in a corner Yes. I'm aware my sickly green is not reflected here, but I don't know the code!