Introduction Hello I am Teh PeliCAN Man,(its PeliCAN not CAN'T!)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Teh PeliCAN Man, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Teh PeliCAN Man

    Teh PeliCAN Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello, I never took the time to make a formal introduction so I will now.(if you want more info on me look at my profile page)

    I have always been told by teachers and family members "Your very smart. Your very creative." :haha: And when I heard and started using the Forge I knew that finally my creativity and mind were going to tested to the quick! (sorry Legos) Then shortly after my experiences with Forge began to get more professional, I found Forge Hub.

    I knew I had found my creative calling. And what I great community I found! You guys are amazing! Nice to meet you all.

    Soon I'll be on XBL and have all the maps, so feel free to send me a friend request. I'll be on within the next few weeks.

    P.S.Feel free to correct me on my mistakes, I won't hold against you.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Hey PeliCAN, nice intro you've got there. Hope to see you active around the forums, don't feed the trolls!
  3. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forge Hub! I look forward to seeing what kind of maps you will be creating. :)

    Yeah, and don't feed the trolls. That can't be said enough. ;)
  4. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not very good teachers, or they would tell you that you're very smart :p

    Weclome and I'll sure you'll enjoy it here, I have no creative talent whatsoever when it comes to Forge, so I envy you. I'm sure you'll fit in very well. :)
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    A hoy hoy.

    Just a mention, with the forging. Don't give up. Persistence is the key. WHen you post your map, whatever people say, take it onboard and make your next map better and improve the first one. This applies whether your map is kickassingly perfect or crap.

    In fact, don't give up on anything. Ever.

    Don't just confine yourself to the maps either. Go into the community section. Meet new friends. Have fun.

    I'll be seeing you around.

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