Introduction Hello, Forgehub!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KerianH, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. KerianH

    KerianH Forerunner

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    My name's KerianH. I've been visiting Forgehub ever since Halo 3's Heroic Map Pack but only recently have been able to join the website. I'm an avid gamer and I enjoy playing on Reach...a lot. One thing I enjoy more than most on it is playing on Forge; though it's a bit "unfinished" in my mind in terms of some editing, it's still great to play and I'm glad that Bungie released Reach when it did.

    Anyway, here's some things that people should know about me. First of all, I love to write; I enjoy anything creative and so I can often be found writing and drawing, and I aspire to become an author after college. I currently am working on several fanfics and stories on and, and I enjoy the attention I get from both websites. On Reach, I currently am working on several projects, with only a couple I have actually "finished," which includes a very small map for 2v2 and 4 player FFA Gameplay, and an aesthetic/infection map I only just recently finished that will be posted on this website momentarily. So far, I refrain from posting that second one because I'd like to test it out first, so if anyone wants to check it out just look me up on Live. I'm usually on anytime after 8:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, and I welcome anyone who is interested in checking the map out. The more the merrier...

    Well, I guess that's it right now. Until next time, me out!
  2. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's dissapointing that nobody has replied considering the time that went into the well constructed post. Anyway, hello. I'm also heavily creative although I tend to lean more towards design and music, but I do like to read. I'd love to read something of yours if you'd be so kind as to link to your work.

    I'd also love to see you post one of those maps you're working on soon. Despite the amount of time I've been here I've never gotten around to posting a map so far either but I would love to see you post one of those maps you're working on soon. You're welcome to invite me to any of your testing sessions by the way.

    Also Make sure you read the Forum rules so you don't accidently acquire yourself an infraction.

    All the best,

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