Hello all. I am new. I don't know what else to say but hello. HELLO. I'll post some maps soon, so "Don't worry guys. It's k. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOOL." - Master Chief :lol:
Hello guy I would just like to welcome you to Forgehub. It's a very friendly community to be at and I'm sure you'll like it here. Seeing that you are new here you are going to want to take a look over the Rules. Most sites you'll usually tend to skip over the rules but just make sure read up on the rules here at FH. I say this because Forgehub is well kept, well moderated, and has a stricter moderation. So as long as you follow the rules you won't have a proble. Understanding that you are planning on posting some of your maps soon I'd like to direct you to to the rules and guidelines of posting a map. Also, if you're curious or don't know how to embed screenshots click here. Any other questions feel free to ask me or any other member on the site.
k thx. I got the rules down. I've been on the site for while now it's just recently that I've actually signed up. I no not 2 spam and stuff or necropost and flood posts and all that stuff. but thx ill keep it in mind.
hey wut up. hopefully you do post some maps... and one of your friends doesnt get your profile banned which forces you to make like 3 second accounts and continually get banned again. lolwut? sorry, i was negatively reminiscing. so yeah welcome, lol. =/
Yes I will ppost some maps and I think they are pretty good in my opinion. I gotta fix up the forging ikn my early ones cuz my geomerging and interlocking skills were bad. But thx