Ohai. I'm Bloo, the nicest person on the forums. The rest above me are just posers. Including that Insane54 kid and that Shanon girl. > Welcome to ForgeHub brah.
I honestly thought my girlfriend had secretly gotten the FH account I've been bugging her to get. I soon realized you were not her when she had no clue what I was talking about. btw, welcome to FH.
Oh hey XBLG! Remember me? (I'm Kneecap if you somehow didn't notice yet) WELCOME TO FORGEHUB, and I love you. <3 I hope you have/ had a fun time on FH and hope to see you in the lolbox often. Oh yeah, just so you know... I'm an above average forger to ;P. Okay so I think I'm done harassing you for now, and it seems like you fit into this community pretty well, so I'll see you around the Hub, and good day to you ma'am.
...sigh...typical forgehub welcome for a girl... Anyho, welcome to Forgehub, don't give out location details (can't trust these people) and have fun. PPC is our multi-purpose random caht thread, located here.
Fix'd Someone says they like community game nights?! I think me and you will get along just fine, then... Back when we hosted TGIF on a bi-weekly basis I was one of the main people to host it. Though sadly when TGIF got old and started tasting like old stale nachos they ended it. Anyways, enough of my ramblings and welcome to Forge Hub!
Son of a *****! What is with you people? the letter I and the letter T is not in orange. Say it with with me everyone: Organ. Night. Organ + Night. Organnight. Organite. ha ha.
You ALL crack me up! welcome, and yes spam is more xforgery, this is why I prefer forgehub, people's comments contain more than 2 words
I think not! Here at forgehub we get those average every day trolls and spammers more often but at Xforgery we have the spam collector which is very fun if you have been on the site for a long time. But anyho, welcome to the site and have a great time.