Introduction Hello forge dudes, my names Drake, wazzup!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Drake R Luvenstein, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Drake R Luvenstein

    Senior Member

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    Hello denizens of ForgeHub, my names Drake.

    So this is supposed to be an introduction right, well ok then here I go. As you have seen my name is Drake and I'm from the state of Pennsylvania(located in the US, something I believe most of you guys should know:happy:) <-- oh hey thats a cool smile. :lol: I came here because no one was downloading my map and then I saw this site, now hopefully someone will check it out and download it. Heres the link to the maps forgehub page:
    I think it's pretty good, being my second map and all.

    And how could I forget, my gamertag is --blank for now :D -- so hit me up if you ever wanna play, I'll probably be changing my gamertag soon so when I do I'll edit this post.

    Now back to me, well I'm a total video game junkie, I own 17 systems(not including my pc) unfortunately my cousin is trying to pull me away from my trusty controller by making me skateboard, eh I geuss it ain't that bad, I do need to get out of my house more often. Pretty much the only other things that ever pull me away from video games are pr0n(I know I know I'm a perv) and my current hacking studies. If you wanna know more about me check out my myspace: - Drake R. Luvenstein - 18 - Male
    OK well I'm gonna go forging for a while, see ya dudes.
    #1 Drake R Luvenstein, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  2. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha you sound like a total lolz fest, hacking studies and pr0ns xD.

    btw your username is awesome.
    Welcome to FH
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    Epic lulz. Welcome to Forgehub. Read the rules, and abide by them.

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