Just wanted to introduce myself: Favorite Games: Counter Strike 1.6 Halo 3 COD1 Skate. Currently Forging: 1.Counter Strike-ish map for Halo 3 (70% done) 2.Soccer Field Map (with my friend Kraige Krumbly)(60% done) 3.A vehicle stunt course (In planning) 4.Mario Kart-like gametype/map for Rat's Nest (In planning) 5.Team Fortress-like CTF map (In planning) 6.Urban City Map (In planning) If anyone is interested in helping me forge maps 1, 3-6, add poopiedeloopie on xbox live, and message me telling which of those maps you are interested in helping me on. (the more the merrier, and you can help on any number of maps) If you are interested in beta testing the first 2 maps, also add/message poopiedeloopie on xbox live thank you so much, i hope to fit in here on the boards =)
Welcome to FH poopie... lolz. Good luck with the forging, I hope you find a good group to forge with.
Alright, im shapedterror and i am interested in helping you forge anyone of those maps.. give me a shout back on my email.. Max-Bailey@hotmail.co.uk or message my xbox live gamercard ShapedTerror hope to speak to u soon