Hello everyone! I am Jake Waldrip, jakesboy2, I just have always used jakesboy2 for everything. I am an Active Member of H3Artificer and just have never gotten to making an account on Forge Hub, I am a swimmer and 14. I am looking forward to the community here and hope to have a good time! Thanks -Jake
Hello and welcome to the FH community. It's always nice to see new members here at the site. There is a really nice atmosphere here and many friends to make. Also, there are so many ways to improve your forging skills or at least see the pros do their work. Here are the rules and hope to see you around either testing or posting around the forum. Forge Hub - Forum Rules
Hello there, I use H3Artificier. I am very innactive post wise there, but active in viewing. Enjoy it here, use the above and have fun. Also, watch out for SargeantSarcasm! He has Ghost's!
Hey! Never a bad thing to see some new members But yeah, just read the rules from the above post, and i hope you enjoy your stay