Hi all, My name is Nick and I'm from the Netherlands. I've been playing Halo since Halo 2 came out at a friend's house, bought a 360 on the release date to enjoy Halo in my own time. I love coming together with friends, hooking up xboxes and play some customs, which we do once a week. When Halo 3 was released (and forge), I modified some default maps to fit with our playstyle more. Made a few custom maps for us to play on as well. With Halo Reach, we got a great update to forge which had me create more complex maps. All my maps were intented for me and my friends, so no map got hosted in fileshare. I found out there is an official contest last week. I already had a half-finished map and had a good idea of how to finish it, so I did. Now I've submitted it to the contest, I'd love to hear your opinions. I hope to get and provide good feedback, inspiration for new maps and a great time here!
Welcome to ForgeHub Nick! Great to see you're already participating in community events like the 2v2 contest! If you have any questions about the site, feel free to send me a message.
Hello, and welcome! remember, the lolbox is your friend, mods r corrupt, and that people will give you their honest opinion on your maps
You are NL Nick? So am I! And some others around here, you will see them coming along eventually But, Welcome! I usually don't look here very often, I happen to do so just now.. So I welcome you, 6 days late You certainly will
Thanks all! I'm not participating in the 2v2, just the 343i contest for now. I'd love to enter other contests soon! And I do like honest opinions. Yeah, I'm also from the Netherlands! We might do some testing in our own timezone, 1AM is a tad too late for me.