Hello, I'm Destar (My online alias), Headsplosion667 (GT), or just Ryan, your pick. I'm a huge fan of Halo, grinding through Halo 1 on legendary when i was much younger and more recently forging on Halo 3 and Reach. I used to be part of a smaller forge community called Forge Union. Sometime during the gap between 3 and 4 I mainly started playing Steam and got involved in a Garry's Mod community called NNJG with my friend Playerhata, who told me more about ForgeHub than I already knew and got me interested in joining. I love custom games and also think of myself as a fairly skilled player in matchmaking. Recently I participated as a host for the first Community Customs Day on reddit and hope to many of you will join us in participating and hosting as well. I've already made a few maps and can't wait to share them with you guys after File Sharing starts to work. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I hope to see some of you in game soon.
Welcome to the hub Destar! I'm sure you will stay active and show your maps to the community. So you launching customs days? Sounds Intresting. BTW, I'm ForgeWolf, but call me wolf.
Welcome to the forums Destar, it's always nice to see newcomers on the site. While it's true that the File Sharing, is not functioning at maximum potential, you can still post up a preview on the Halo 4 Forge Discussion and set up a process to tell people how to download your map. With that in mind, why don't you make a preview of the maps you made and show us what you've got? (Unless you don't feel like it right now, then that would be okay.)
Hi, I'm Berb's best friend. Welcome. Glad you've gotten interested in the site and I hope to see some great maps from you!
Well most of my stuff is still in progress as I try to finish my matchmaking itch, but I do have a canvas map done that can be used as an arena. Just made a thread for it here.