Introduction Hello, Everyone!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by English Mobster, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. English Mobster

    English Mobster Forerunner

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    I may be a new migrant to ForgeHub, but I've been making maps a long time. For the past 6-7 years, I've been making new singleplayer and multiplayer maps for the PC version of Halo 1, Halo: Custom Edition.
    Many maps were made, few got released.
    Domain (Turf re-imagining):

    Archive (Made in conjunction with a mapping team):

    Gridlock (sequel to Domain, never finished):

    TIE Hangar (Star Wars map, never finished):

    That's not to say I haven't been doing some Forge work:
    Lattice (Released in my first post here to no comments whatsoever, lol):

    That being said, while I have a lot of map-making experience on my belt from my ol' CE days, the Forging part of me needs refinement. Forge, compared to Sapien (the internal tools Bungie used for H1), is VERY similar, albeit a tad less powerful. I miss the simplicity of setting up Banshees to appear on every gametype save CTF (which IS possible with Reach, but requires the placement of a bunch of Banshees as opposed to one with a simple checkbox next to it), or of the power of H1's "Scripts" (bits of code that run within the game and can do all sorts of crazy insane things), not to mention I always seem to run out of parts or budget before my dream can be realized (which tends to piss me off to no end).
    I'm almost finished with a Gephyrophobia remake (I KNOW, another one), I just need to finish placing the spawns. It's accurate to the world unit to the H1 version due to my having Bungie's H1 mapmaking software and source files installed for my old CE work.

    I also have plans to port a bunch of my old H1 stuff over to Reach, and an idea for another original Reach Forge map. Until then, stay tuned!
    #1 English Mobster, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, looks like you have a bunch of experience in making maps already. I hope to see your stuff in the maps forum and maybe one day get a chance to play! :)

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