Hi all! Some of you may already knwo me, some may not. Im Scotty * Xbl's RageGummy * and I am co owner of halosocial.net and halo3prg.com. True thought i should come around and say hello to eveyone and slap some input onto the site as well. So .... hello Scotty
Hello im boyle... kinda new only posted one map... but im workin on becoming as great as thee... can i haz respected tag???
The tag was given when i signed up, i didnt ask for it as thus you should ask for recoz! Very quick replys! Thanks for the welcom's
Ah. I've heard of you, but I've never had the honor of actually meeting you. Though, this is the internet, so lol
You seem to be the one even semi-active respected fellow here. That is understandable though. Being respected means you are famous around the Halo community, so respected doods must have a lot to do. And hai.
Hai. I really don't know who you are, but welcome 2 Forgehub! I hope you enjoy your stay. Felipe Dos is right, you are the only active respected member that i have ever seen active. U has respectedzorz! lolz!
Ello, ya we already met, but if you have any questions you can PM me or ask anyone with a pretty colored name, much like yours......er.... . but welcome to forge hub, make yourself at home. and remember, in the immortal words of Ricky Bobby "Im to drunk, to taste this chickin".
i have a few things going at the momment. Currently -: ideas for the two main sites. -: Learning C# while making a XBLA game, which me and the co owner of halosocial are working on. So yeah, im alittle busy but its all fun. Plus i still manage to get on for games with some of my close friends.