Introduction Hello All

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aod43254, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    Hi, I'm aod43254, I have never created used Forge my entire time playing any Halo games, and am not exactly the most creative person you will find but I thought with Forge World I might as well give it a shot.

    Ultimately I think Bungie should a PC alternative to Forge and a way to upload to their servers, allowing people to make maps on the PC but until the day that happens (probably never gonna happen tho) I plan to learn how to use Forge and maybe come to the point of being able to make ok to good maps.
  2. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's cool man, many new members here are complete newbs to Forge. My best advice is to download, play and review maps in the forums first, because then you can get a feel for what works and what doesn't. You can ask any members in the Forgehub Welcome Squad for some help, should you need it.

    Ultimately, forge and Halo itself is about having fun, and if you find you don't have fun forging, you can always stick around here and be a part of the community and have fun with us. Don't worry, we don't bite.
  3. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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    I will definitely do as you suggested and Download and play some maps from the forum, but I actually got a map to the point that it actually needs to be played and get opinions on it. Never mind after looking I have found the answer, I will post my map after making a few more checks on how its working (spawn spots, weapons spawns, ect)
    #3 Aod43254, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can get your map tested in the Tester's Guild.

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