my name is brian i only have 2 post on this site come to my website if you want to be a good dodgeball player. The DodgeBall Hall
Welcome to ForgeHub Brian! I'm kinda surprised no one had the name Brian before him. Of course, names like, ''Jedi Y0d4 Masta'' are cooler. Apparently. I see you already have negative rep. If you want to succeed here, and if you don't want to be butchered around, be sure to read the Site Rules thoroughly. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask anyone. There might be people more willing to answer than the other ones, but there's always people on the IRC Live Chat, where you can talk to them in real time. Hope you enjoy it here, Eduardo
Hey! Ola! Chikabrey! ... ... Welcome to Forehub! Rain will try to make your stay as "comfortable" as possible! (lol sorry)
Hello, and welcome to forgehub i wish to see some more maps by you.I think you have some potential.Also pretty original name there.