Hell in a Cell!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by S-Pac, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    Hell in a cell!
    Created by:S-Pac 3:16
    This is a close quarters deathmatch arena. A 6x6 size, four sided cell With three levels of death and destruction!

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, (etc.)

    Recommended party size: Any

    This is mostly made for Slayer gametypes. But you could try to play objective base games in it if you want. But It's recommended for FFA games. There are bridges, platforms and ramps to run and jump on. Players start inside fence boxes on each side of the cell.
    The Walls are a LITTLE sloppy but I did wrethe best I could to straighten them up. Just as long as no one can get out, that's all that matters. If someone does(and they can't), there is a teleporter outside to get you back in.
    There may be a couple bumps, but again I tried to smooth them out as much as I could. But I would think you all would be to busy killing each other to notice. There are some interlocking, mostly for the bridges.
    Yes there are lots of weapons and equipment in here, but most of the power weapons won't be available at the start and most have limited ammo and no spare clips. They also have long respawn rates, so hopefully that'll balance it out. But I think that in a small cell like this, you would be killed before you can use them all. Besides I like to give people a little more variety.
    This was inspired by the cage matches
    in wrestling.

    Here are some screenshots:
    Here's the bottom level of the cell.

    Top level.

    Action scene.

    Death from above!

    Center box with some goodies inside.


    Can't be Hell without a little fire!

    1xAssault rifle
    2xBattle rifle
    1XShotgun(no spare clips)
    2xPlasma pistol
    2xPlasma rifle
    1xBrute shot
    1xRocket launcher(no spare clips)
    1xSpartan Lazer(not available at the start,respawns in 180)
    1xFuel Rod gun(not available at the start,respawns in 180,no spare clips)
    1xEnergy sword
    1xGravity Hammer
    1xCovenent carbine
    1xSentinal beam
    1xFlame thrower
    1xMachinegun turrent

    6xfrag grenades
    4xPlasma grenades
    4xSpike grenades
    4xFirebomb grenades(respawns in 30)
    1xbubble shield
    1xPower drain
    1xTrip mine
    1xGrav lift
    1xradar jam
    1xovershield(not available at the start,respawns in 120)

    Ok, I thought I move it to the casual section.
    I hope you all enjoy this map. I worked hard on it and my friends seem to like it when we played in it. Constructive criticism would be appreciated.

    Special thanks to:
    Mitch808, Evlone, Tinman 451, The Acronym and Nibos
    for the action shots!

    Download "Hell in a Cell" here!
    #1 S-Pac, Jun 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  2. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good ill check it out sometime
  3. Haha Joemomma

    Haha Joemomma Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks cool, but keep in mind, the "goodie box" is a huge advantage, if anyone can get to it before getting lasered from the skys!
  4. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good for a map with very little interlocking. I like how you put firebombs on the map because no true map is complete without the awesomeness that they give.
  5. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, it looks really good. I can't see if it's enclosed or not from the pictures, but I'll check it out. 4/5
  6. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    It looks pretty good for it's size. A nice arena area. My only suggestion comment would to be to take out the huge variety of weapons and lower to maybe about 8-10 tops pluse a couple power weapons and have their only be two grenade types on the map (frag + one other) for a more balanced game. Otherwise it looks solid though!
  7. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks great. It's a lot like something I've wanted to do for ages, but never got around to. Downloading.

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