"The roof of this Forerunner academy has turned into a warzone. 2-6 players." Welcome to "Helix", a symmetrical arena forged specifically for 1v1, 2v2, and hectic free-for-all gameplay. The map itself is a simple square, with ramps leading down into a lowered center and paths on the edges of the map. x2 DMR - 2 spare clips, 90 second respawn x2 Plasma Pistol, 100 second respawn x2 Shotgun, 0 spare clips, 120 second respawn x4 Plasma Grenade, 30 second respawn x1 Sniper Rifle, 1 spare clip, 150 second respawn x1 Concussion Rifle, 1 spare clip, 150 second respawn x1 Overshield, 180 second respawn The Overshield spawns on top of the central helix structure, and requires a series of jumps to reach. In the previous version of the map, the jumps were very difficult to make, but they have been made much easier now. Some more screenshots: Thanks for looking, and I hope you enjoy the map. ~TitanC005
Looks like a great map. I'm not sure if this is the map that i saw had a preview or not. Alas, i like smaller maps like this that are equal on 4 sides. Aesthetics are great, the helix in the middle looks way cool. One thing i don't understand is why a concussion rifle is opposite of a sniper, they're good for crowds, and there aren't crowds generally in the max players you have set. Then again i haven't played it yet, so i may be not one to judge. Great map.
Thanks for the compliments. The Concussion Rifle is a powerful weapon in its own right, but a Rocket Launcher would have been much too overpowered for this small of a map. I felt it worked better than a Grenade Launcher might. In free-for-all and multi-team is really where it shines.
Guess i never really thought about what to replace it with... I suppose you're right at that point. I'm not trying to say the gun is bad, if that's what you say, i personally love it. Yea it would be too easy for a Grenade Launcher on this map. Your judgment is better than mine, lol.
WOW!!! I've been waiting, glad to see it finally appear. As before, I love this map, simple but effective. I thought the concussion rifle opposite the sniper was a bit odd at first too, but the more i thought about it the more i liked the placement. This is a small map with lot's of cover, however the covers are small in width, that means if a one shot is hiding behind on of those small covers it'd be easy picking for the concussion rifle. I have a feeling that weapon could easily play as a big time power weapon in a level like this. Well done on the map, i look forward to playing it. If you want one more to join your matches let me know. my friends aren't big on custom games anymore, lol. Mr GUINNESS13
I was aware of this beforehand, but I decided to keep the name anyways - there is a helix structure at the center of the map, so the name kind of stuck. It's not something odd and specific, like "Triforge" - if you don't mind me using one of your maps as an example. If there were two maps called "Triforge", that'd be something to raise an eyebrow to, but "Helix" is just "Helix". And for that matter, I don't own the name either, it's just a word. In the case that people might get the two maps confused: I believe the "Helix" you are referring to is a BTB map, whereas this is a 1v1/2v2 map. Anyone who can take a quick glance at tags or the map descriptions will know the difference. Thanks for the notification though.
You do know that you could make this map work well with 4v4 just by doing something as simple as adding cover to make it seem more room-based? I have yet to get a game on this, so I don't have much to say, but I think I might get a game on it soon and if I do I will return with feedback.
Oh man I can't believe I missed this map Titan. I'm really liking the layout, it's simple to understand and looks easy to navigate. I also really like that helix you made, it seems to fit this map quite well. As for the name of the map, you couldn't have picked a better one haha. From pic #2 some areas look alittle open, it just seems like you placed blocks there for cover. It's not too ingenuitive, but all around this map looks wonderful. Good work man.
After getting a small quick match on this and doing an extensive fly over in forge, I have concluded that this map is sweet. But it is not without its flaws. 1. jumping to the helix is hard, even harder (probably close to impossible) in a real match. 2. why is the concussion rifle opposit the sniper. Not only are the two weapons unlike each other, but I thought this was symetrical. 3. I feel as if there is not enough cover, thats just me though. Especially down in the corners. For example, i was playing when someone looked over the edge and it was an instant kill for them. Not only did I have no where to run, but they had the height advantage. Maybe put a tunnel through there? I loved the crate stack. It looked very natural. The Helix was very original and I loved it.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. The map IS symmetrical. Each team has an even chance to get to either the Sniper or Concussion Rifle. Hmmm... Since I've just looked through about 40 pages of maps, I think I'll check out this one in forge. Right now it seems like a fantastic one. Can this map support 4 players?
Sorry folks, it's been a while. I never thought to check back on this old thread here. -__- Anyways, it's great to hear all of your feedback. The Helix is admittedly really hard to jump. The map does support 4v4, but I imagine the map would be pretty crowded then. I'll address all of the above concerns in a possible v2 or a spiritual successor I'm debating on. Again, sorry for not getting back to you guys in a while.