To harvest it and its babies and put them into a large cooking pot with boiling water and eat them of course.
We think of it as a sport. Or a Hobbie. Donii, somepeople go fishing and they tend to not eat some of the fish they catch, some people actually throw them back out after piercing a hook into their face.THis however is alot safer(fish's POV). He could of ate it, but he didn't. Saving the fish some misery.
... I think its a lot scarier for the man than the fish, tbh. I mean its like "A wild blade-nosed marlin appeared!" ---------- ☞Attack | Bag Pokemon | Run ---------- Water Gun | Tail Whip Tackle | ☞Jump out a damn bad-ass helicopter 20 feet above water ---------- Profit! You can't say no to a thrill like that. Its like plane jumping, kite boarding, etc. Its just one of those things in life where you don't know why the hell you're doing it but you're gonna do it anyway.
I wished he would of tagged it with a water proof sticker or something, like, I jumped out of a helicopter and tackled this thing