tottaly did this way back except with ray charles ive seen it with helen keller before so i say un original plus its not really that funny
Did you make this or find it? because if you made this, it has already been done and is extremely popular... YOU STOLE THIS!!!! jk...
You fail... whether it be in brain capacity or sarcasm is yet to be determined. Very funny approach. When I clicked the link I was expecting to see some easter egg or something. 4/5
I've seen this on peoples fileshare in Matchmaking, it got a giggle out of me then, but not much more then that. 3/5
Do the Helen Keller, and shake with your hips! Nice screenshot, quite professional, really. Hehe, I'm loving the blatant humor.
I tittered whilst looking at this photo. I haven't seen this in MM, as I don't play, so I find this to be rather humorous. Now I feel bad. Ah, nevermind.
Seems very boring. THe only way that makes it funny is the name. If you would have named it someting else nobody would think this is funny. I think its okay but like I said the only reason this is funny is becasue of the name. 2/5
Hmmm... than i wonder why he took this shot. MAYBE BECAUSE HE COULD MAKE A FUNNY NAME ON IT nobody said it takes skill to make a screenshot funny.