Heist It's an assymetrical map that's built out from a cliff and uses the landscape more than most maps that i've seen. It is a smaller map and I'm sure it will be fairly face paced. It has a some what circular flow since the middle is the lowest area. Each part of the map is accessible form at least a couple ways. The cliff side of the map can be a bit tight at parts but you have a slight height advantage over other parts of the map. As you move counter-clockwise it will take you to a circular area that has a giant rock protruding from the center of it. This is a good place to be since you can see most of the map from this area. If you continue in the same direction you can either take a man cannon that shoots you back accross the map or continue down to the middle of the map. The middle of the map is accessible from all directions however since it's the lowst part of the map and has limited cover it's not the best place to be. The map is much more complex than what I described I just wanted to give a brief description. Gametypes Slayer Oddball KOTH Weapons 1 - sniper 3 - magnums 3 - dmr's 3 - needle rifles 1 - rockets 4 - frag grenades 6 - plasma grenades 1 - rocket launcher Pictures I haven't tested out the map yet so if anybody would want to that would be great. GT: Ibe Blazen
wow dude this map looks brilliant! I'd love to test this with you, but don't you think rockets might be a bit overpowered? from the pictures I see a lot of CQC(CloseQuarterCombat) but I believe that's what testing is for be sure that you don't forget to set spawn times for weapons so we don't have a sniper/rocket launcher every 30 seconds GT = eXalti0n with a zero
I'll be on for most of the day if anyone wants to help test out the map...it would be muchly appreciated. GT: Ibe Blazen
muchly? wow nice grammer and you forgot to mention that the map has been updated so the bottleneck at the top of the rock part is now more open and less rocky thanks to your amazing roommate ;-). but in all seriousnss this map is incredible and everyone should download it.