This is a map me and my friend Thillygooth made. He wanted to see this map be posted so here it is... "...Hello agents we have a slight out break in the house with infection running around. We have rigged a couple traps for the zombies so dont take your chances with them. You will have weapons to defend your self with mainly having a standard RPG ( rocket launcher ) and a M1014 ( shotgun ) so good luck and try to stay alive..." Here are some pics of the house of action: Heres a screenshot of the start of the game as i blow up the doors (and kill the zombie). Here is one of the traps that blocks off an area somewhat. Not today Mr.Zombie. Zombie getten murdered by a trap. I just hate it when bulltrue happens. So in this varient the zombie is super fast and jumps really high. VARIENT: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing MAP: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing GOOD NIGHT EVERY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pictures don't really give a good impression of it... And did you mean hectic? Because hectec is not a word.
I agree, I have no idea what this map is suppose to really be other than its a house.. put some better pictures up and I bet youd get more DLs. with that said youd did a good job just work on your presentation. Ill DL after you get some better pics.
i would add an overview of this map quickly to stop all the people saying ohh what is it and what not any way the map it looks cool it is like saw but a more playable version
ummmm what is this like a house or somtheing? oh well if it is ill dl if not i mght dl 3/5 at least you got the post right.