Hey, Im new to Forge Hub, but I just finished a map with help from my friend Mabefsti and thought I'd post it here. The map is a get to the finish first objective type- involving jumping from platforms, running through deathly mazes, flying, and driving. The map if played with the H&H game type(VIP) is cheater proof. Download map- HERE Download game type- HERE Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
That kill ball inside the tubes looks like its being clutched by a claw, that is awesome. And I love the dante's inferno staircase you've got going on with another kill ball. The heaven parts were weaker, but can I humbly suggest you do a full blown hell based aesthetic map? You've got a knack for it, and I think a Dante's Inferno layers of hell in Sandbox would be incredible.
This is not right,the pictures should not like up in a row like that,embed tghem into the thread so they will go straight down and not make it have to move the scroll bar at the bottom
Ok, this is a great start. But you'll need your pics set up like normal. Weapons list (if there is one) A brief description of the map (what gametypes are used on it etc..) Now on to the map, i like the idea of it. Seems like it would be a pretty fun place to play at, once sandbox is open to the public :[ I would give a few suggestions on the map, but i dont want to make it seem like im be negative towards it. Great creativity on the map, keep it up :]
Nothings wrong with giving suggestions, just say something good about it at the end. I really like the map. The whole idea is really original, including the structures you built. It would help if you put the pics in some kind of order so we could see where you spawn, and where you end up clearly. And the very bottom right picture, is that inside the map or above it? My guess would be above but it still looks lower to me. But anyways GREAT map, but the post needs editing.
this map looks more "hell" based then a balance but i think that it looks great. like a previous poster said before: you should make a hell based map for you are really good at it
The map looks good, but please dont post your pics side by side, it makes us have to scroll across everytime we want to read somebodys comment I like how it looks like heaven and hell, and i also like how you used all three layers of sandbox and incorperated into one map, good job on this
this map is really sweet good job i wish i had sandbox and u guys's screen sucks b/c i dont have have to scroll to see it all and instead of grabbing the bar try hitting the scroll button