Debate Heaven and Hell

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mortarion, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    But...But...But...Without worrying about going to heaven, then there would be Hell on earth! *serious face* I mean, so says my priest! He told me that without religion, I would go to Hell! and serve a thousand eternities doing nothing but being butt raped by Satan!




    All arguments that aren't opinion based (such as the fact/not fact religion) is debatable...This could be considered opinion based (this thread) but then again, the debate of whether or not this thread is opinion based, is opinion based!

    wait, what?


    I'd just like to point out, this is my first non-serious post in debate forums, so keep the -rep's to a minimum please -_-
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Great topic. I'd really like to write my thoughts down somewhere, and this is just the place.

    There's a song by Nick Cave called "Into My Arms", and the first line is
    I don't believe in an interventionist god
    Well as for me, I don't believe in an authoritative god. What does that mean? Think long and hard (hahaha) about both of those statements.

    What if the authoritative attributes of God (judgment, etc) are attributes that we gave him? It's totally possible.

    I don't believe in hell at all.... especially for all the thousands of things the Bible says we do to deserve it.

    As for heaven.... I have kind of a vision, not necessarily a belief. What if "heaven" is simply gaining all the knowledge and understanding of the universe? I know this still requires the confidence in a soul... but what if??? That's kind of my Religion... the belief in WHAT IF??? (you can call it agnostic if you like)

    600th post WOOT!!
    #22 Indie Anthias, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  3. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    2000 years of sillyness

    I guess I'm saying that frightened humans created the bible as a way to explain the universe before they really had any scientific tools to use. At the time it probably seemed like a great explanation for the natutral world, but as time passes things like the claim that Eve was created from Adam's rib is laughable and insulting to women.

    Tradition + Fear of Death + Need for Moral Police = 2000 years of sillyness
  4. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Heaven and Hell is a pretty bad ass song by Dio and some other band i forget who sang it.

    but IMO I think that unless you show me proof of one or the other, then i dont think it exists.

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