This pic is freakin retarded and disrespectful WARNING: language?
i heard that this was actually CAUSED by the movie, that the stress was so great that he couldnt get to sleep and started taking pills... if this is true that would totally ruin my movie experience...tho id still watch it of course
Im sorry, alot of people are upset by his death, and yes i know its never a good thing to hear about someone you know dieing but to me, hes just another person that died in the world I can say i only seen him the movies the knights tale, and the patriot, and while they were good performances, i can consider him a favored actor. but sadly the world will go on, just look at the anna nicole case, same thing, but i thought she was werid looking =|
Except that Heath Ledger was talented and contributed a lot to the movie industry, whereas Anna Nicole, well... you know