they finished principal photography...meaning his scenes are generally complete Bye Bye/ Mr. Ledger oh why/ did ya haveta possibly OD and die/ us big ol fans/ are watching on with a sigh/ just wishin your life didn't go by... just wishin your life didn't go by... :C
Horrible news! Who knows how this will affect the release of The Dark Knight? Plus he was in the middle of filming a new Terry Gilliam movie. Just sucks
I never knew who it was. Someone told me, and a few minutes later, courtesy of Tim Buckley, I found out it's the same guy who plays The Joker, my most anticipated movie of 2008. Can't wait to see it, but I'll try to have some amnesia while I see it, so I don't remember it's a dead guy. I haven't felt this way since Mako died. And even then, Mako was an old man, Keith's death is just a tragedy. So RIP, and my heart goes out to close friends and his whole family, as well as anyone who knew him. My heart does now, however, go out to anyone in Hollywood weeping because he was lined up for their next film and now they don't have any known names. Also, this kinda means no more Joker in other Batman films, which sucks because it's one of the few original Jokers and the laugh is perfect(or so I hear, I have no clue how people can translate text in a comic book into an actual laugh).
I think it's such a big deal because we never saw him goin crazy shaving his head or running around doing coke of urinals... he seemed like a normal guy! This will totally make the new Batman movie crazy!
Yeah, it will be strange watching The Dark Knight knowing he is dead. They are going to have to re-do their plans for all of the next Batman movies, i heard that they were planning to have him in 2 more movies or something like that. Correct me if i am wrong.
yeh its tragic that he died @ 28..... thats to young. i loved him in 'A Knights Tale'. wot do u lads reckon, accidental overdose or (wrong as it is) suicide? doubt it myself, apparantly he was shy of the paparazzi. good bloke.
Everyone heard this at school. Someone saw it on and then everybody was like "OMG HEATH LEDGER DIED!!" and "I'm gonna wear black tomorrow..." and it seemed like everyone was panicking... and I didn't even know who he was. I know, it's sad, but i never saw any of his movies, but i heard the name before.
I heard that before the shooting he locked himself in his trailer for weeks trying to perfect the role of Joker. He started having nightmares about him and he could never fall asleep. So he would take sleeping pills to help him fall asleep since he couldn't because of his nightmares. And then one night he just OD'd God rest his soul, a great actor, and a great Joker
Mealon, that makes a lot of sense if it's true.. What f this movie gets the same status as "The Crow?" Let me tell you... I've read that it was sleeping pills and alcohol. That means suicide in my books. My condolences go out to his family and friends, but he seemed to be a bit unstable.
He might of OD'd but he had "thing" up his butt and with a viagara in his hand.... so I mean... weird...
my question is, how will this affect people's views of the joker in the movie? he's supposed to be a hated character/psychopath... but the movie may turn out to be more of a memorial for Heath than anything. some of his other movies were kick ass and he was great. a knights tale ftw! RIP.
I don't really see this affecting the movie whatsoever. If you have seen the previews he is basically unrecognizable and as long as the movie is as good as or better than batman begins the characters will be developed well enough to separate your person feelings for the actors.
thats what i'm hoping for, it needs to be awesome enough to forget about real life. dont get me wrong, heath is a kick ass joker and i cant wait to see the movie.
I know he's virtually unrecognizable in the role but I still know it's him. I'm going to try very hard just not to think of his death while I'm watching it this summer