YouTube - Headshot Through Wall on The Pit :: Halo 3 Glitch Thought it was coolio. The lagg at the end was cause he host booted me. It didnt lagg at all the rest of the game, but host booters are host booters.
hah, thats sweet. I believe you that it didn't lag. It happened to my friend once and every1 thought it was lagg.
Yea not lag, the grey line is usually not the actual path of the sniper round, it's usually where the reticle was a spit second before the line. I got one of these from S3 to Rocket even though it hit the fence infront, and then again in training. Quite amusing shooting a fence at point blank range and saying 'You Sniped ...' about someone a mile away who wasn't even aware.
Thanks. Yea my friend had this happen to him once as well. The second accounters lagg switched then i got A: Lagged Out or B: Host Booted.
You said they Host booted you... If they booted you then how would you know if it was or wasn't laggy the rest of the game, you had already gotten booted so you say.
My teammate told me it was perfect for the rest of the game, as soon as i got kicked, i joined his party, and he was getting raped 2v1. It was most likely a lagg switch that just happened to be laggy enough to get me disco'd.