Headlock Headlock is an extremely fun symmetric map. It was made for slayer and two flag, but I'm not sure two flag works. The map consists of two symmetric sides and two symmetric towers and one amazing center structure. There are also 4 narrow hallways where much of the fighting occurs and some of the best BRing happens. On the either side of the center structure there are two ramps that lead to humongous lifts which lead you to the snipe towers. Headlock is best played in a 2v2 to 4v4 slayer game, BR starts will ruin the gameplay though. The only advice I will give is to try to hold both side towers. Weapons: BR - 8 Carbine - 2 Mauler - 2 Sniper - 2 Equipment: Plasma Nades - 8 Frags - 4 Pictures: Overview: Red Base: Blue Base: Center overview: Side Structure: Side structure interior: A pic from the side structure lift: Underview: In case you missed it: DOWNLOAD HEADLOCK
I like this map a lot. There's a lot of nice forging. This looks best for CTF. Maybe try to to add more cover at the bases. Good job, keep forging! 4/5
i think the map was well made and symetrical battle wise, i down loaded it and played with some friends and we all loved it!!!