the brainchild of my estranged mind. yeah pretty much messing around with my new drawing tablet... lol. but i felt it fit and i should show my work. would probably be much better as like a wallpaper. on a side note, im glad to see some of us oldies returning.. it feels good to have something extra to do.. this really relaxes my mind when im ready to quit school lol
Nice mix between your hobby and playfulness. Really do like it, mostly the interesting mix on the text (Head in the cloods and feet on the ground), and the little doodles are random but still it adds to the playfulness
thanks, yeah this one was all from my emotions. i've been having just random thoughts running through my head all day so i wanted to sound scattered... hence head in the clouds,, with it in the background being like i barely realize it. thanks i wasnt expecting so positive a reply