YouTube - HLG Pinnacle Please comment on what you think of the colour correction in this video, thankyou. Long time no video. Hiders: -IDave the Rave -PatchworkZombie No party chat or post game this time unfortunately. We were quite lucky in this game (or Patchwork was), as the guys from the other team looked over were Patchwork was hidden twice and somehow didn't notice. Anyway, due to games like Black Ops and Fable III, we haven't been HLGing much recently. But since the new map pack was released only a few days ago we decided to hop back onto Halo Reach. Hopefully, we will have videos more frequently (one per week at least), also, we are hoping to get some hides on the new maps. So if you would like to hide with us, then send a friend request to either IDave the Rave or PatchworkZombie, and send us a message saying something along the lines of 'I would like to HLG with you guys'.