Whatever either of you PM'd each other about is none of anyone elses concern, do not drag this conversation forth in a thread that it does not belong in, both of you.
Good call. I should not have mentioned our personal messages. (shhh- they're personal!) I just wanted to compliment this map. I've edited my posts to be more aligned with what i meant to say. My bad-moving on!
Congrats, kdavis73, I love this map with my 8==D. chrstphrbrnnn, you should have noted somewhere that v1 is the normal version while v2 is the MLG version.
Actually they are both the same as far as spawning and weapons go. V2 was just to fix frame rate and there is another update if you check out the v2 thread.
Congrats Kdavis73, I love this map with my soul (or whats left of it). Thats not an emo statement. I just mean that I die a little inside every time I meet a noob or mod.
The aesthetics, the resemblance. . . the gameplay. Congratulations on getting this well-deserved feature. Nice Job, I was waiting for a Remake, and then this came out.