First of all, thanks for stopping by and voicing your opinion. In my opinion it rather important right now to add new maps and that is purely from a spectator pov. I think that I can speak for every viewer that it had become really dull to watch the same 3 maps being played after a whole season. I won't be able to enjoy watching tournaments if the settings will stay the same personally. I feel that the gametypes that should be replaced are Lockdown KotH, Warlord Oddball and KotH. These gametypes do not play well imo. Ideally imo would be to add a forge map for slayer + 2 objective gametypes whether those be on the same map or different ones. Props though for not liking Tesla, you are probably the first pro that hasn't praised it like it was the actual Midship.
I don't really blame you for being hesitant to post that opinion. Everyone gets invested into things they put time and effort into, and forgers are no different. They don't always agree with each other, but they support each other. Most forgers would, I think, like to see forge maps used in HCS, so I suspect you'll encounter a good number of people that disagree with your assessment. I don't really have a strong opinion one way or another. On the one hand, I've mostly agreed with the the feedback you've given on each of the maps (I almost immediately began redesigning Epicborough after watching you play it, as issues with spawning, scaling, and lines of sight were clearly preventing it from playing up to its potential). I've stated several times on different forums that I'm not sure any of these maps are fit for HCS play. On the other hand, as WaiHo pointed out new maps are sorely needed to improve the spectator experience. I've always held the opinion that having the maps/gametypes that play best will create the best spectator experience. After watching the first season of H2A, I've changed my opinion. HCS NEEDS more than 3 maps, as long as it doesn't result in the implementation of maps/gametypes that prove to be completely broken. It may be necessary to make a small sacrifice in competition in favor of freshening up the viewer experience. 's approach to implementing forge maps into HCS season 2 leaves much to be desired. I find it hard to blame anyone who's not impressed by the maps. I also find it hard to blame forgers. The quality of maps would likely be much higher had they backed an open competition for forgers to get their map in the HCS a couple of months ago. Several of the maps still in consideration were built at the last minutes, and have missed out on testing that could have improved them immensely, and who knows what other maps could have been made.
Chunk you say these maps aren't upto scratch, but what makes the existing maps so good? Lockout ts is shockingly bad. Warlord is a chaotic mess, 15mkbs of non stop brs, along with all rb added jumps which means there's bugged all map control. Then add in a sanc with the h2 weapon system, rocks appear 3 times ish a game, gg Ball and hill on a 4 base map? K Do agree on 343s inability to create a competition, or even announce they want forge a long time ago, though we shouldn't be surprised. 6 months in and h2a still has no patch yet, embarrassing.
The maps currently being used aren't very good, which is why I think we should be adding Forge maps even if all of the pro's agree it's a downgrade. I don't think the difference in quality will be that great, and the improvement to the viewer experience clearly outweighs it. The insistence on sticking with the Halo 2 weapon spawning system when we have the ability to use static spawns is the most frustrating part of the whole process to me. I don't get it. I don't agree with that approach at all.
Just things like static timers, 110 speed.....patching the aim assist, as a viewer I gate the best players being handicapped by the meagre skill gap in shooting
Meh. Calling it right now, season 2 is gonna tank. Between the game already being stale and lackluster map selection for s2 consideration, who really has any interest in it anymore aside from the super hardcore nerds? Also, @Naded thanks for dropping by man. Too few pros interact with the forge community, so it's much appreciated when one of you guys actually pop in here.
I dont think it will tank, its got a slight be of momentum at the moment, see how the next LAN event does, but I can only see less viewers over the course of the season, I find H2A very hard to watch. If 343 really wants to expand them they need to incorporate EU better, and any other regions to help with international exposure (then Korea comes in and wins everything) Also, I really hope there isint any favouritism where certain forgers can quite happily update their maps on the regular to remove criticism while others cant. Really hope forge candidates dont abuse their links to various people in charge of the settings to get an unfair advantage.
You can access the ForgeHub LIVE fileshare by searching via the leaderboards. Global Rank: 10 (thanks to Nokyard) Solo Game: Halo 2 Anniversary Campaign: Metropolis Difficulty: Heroic Time: 05:27
Well, I would imagine the announcement should be happening any day now since they're supposedly going to be using the new map/s and gametypes for the Online Cup this weekend. I honestly have no idea what to expect. Anyone have any predictions?
My predictions would be Eden and Athelon. I feel like they will have a focus on maps that used a lot of trees and rocks...
By the looks of things (I've been scouring the BE HCS S2 thread looking for mentions of maps) it appears the pros aren't even scrimming on any of the forge maps. It's like Android all over again here. Damned disappointing. Then again, I wouldn't expect any less from uneducated gutter trash.
It's disappointing, but I don't blame them. They make their money by placing well at tournaments, and with one coming up soon they are understandably focused on practicing for that. This is just another side effect of beginning this process so late. These maps should've been ready for pro testing about 3 weeks ago.