Title: HC Dominion (Download) Set up for Hardcore variants of Slayer, Ball, and King. Screenshots: Description: Structures littered around this map make for excellent close-range gameplay, tied in with reasonably long distances making for some long range confrontations. Creative use of lifts makes for interesting player movement. It's an asymmetric map and functions best with Slayer, King and Ball. It's a fairly small map and can accomodate 2-6 players comfortably. Seems a little crowded with 8+, but still functions. It was created for use in the Hardcore 2v2 ranked custom game playlist on halo3.thewestwalker.net. Sign up and come compete!
wow. omg. this map looks sick, the interlocking is nice and neat, it feels like MLG to me, maybe if you made a MLG verzion i'd dl. the different colored power ups are a nice touch. but a sword is a no no for me, i'll well, its still really cool. 4/5
Hardcore uses the Sword and the Shotgun, unlike MLG, because the damage resistance and multipliers are set to normal. I'll think about it, but good MLG maps tend to be symmetrical, and I have one of those in the works too.
WOW!! I only say "WOW" when I see a good map, The Geo-Merging and Interlocking is absolutely fantastic!! One Problem: Take out the energy sword and leave the Shotgun in it. 5/5 Looks good for FFA. And in the last Picture, Make the walls higher or else people will grenade Jump out of the map. I still like it though! I will Download it Now.....!
We've tried to grenade jump out in countless places, there's only one place where it's possible and the jump is insanely hard. The walls seen in the last screenshot (I think those are the ones you're talking about) just seperate between that and another room, they aren't the edge of the map. I don't care as much if people jump over them. The sword I think creates a point of conflict. It also provides the team that spawns in the sniper tower a little more leverage over the other team if they can get ahold of it. I suppose I can try some games with and without it and see how it turns out. I haven't played a whole heap of FFA on it, but it works very well for 2 on 2. It's kind of like Cold Storage in that respect.
EPIC MAP!!!!!! i love the interlocking and the gameplay. i cant wait to see more of your maps! one thing though, just one: i would replace the sword with something else
I highly recommend downloading this map . The structures look incredible and the gameplay must be Godly!! 5/5
I must say, I really really like the layout of this map. I don't know what it is, maybe the way you interlocked, I just really like it. 5/5 man great job.
The sword's effectiveness is stymied in most circumstances on this map, it's really not that overpowering. The shotgun was an issue for a while there, but I redesigned the buildings and reduced the ammo it spawns with, and everything worked out ok. Give the sword a shot.